“For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:12
The LORD gave me a vision a few years ago. It’s been in my heart waiting until I felt the LORD quickening me to act. In these last days and weeks, I’ve been feeling it’s time to start.
I see a ‘JESUS CITY’ within our city of Big Rapids. A network of loving kindness – the churches and ministries of this area united in Christ’s love with an organized effort to help the lost, suffering and needy.
I see a ‘Worship Center’ – a large building where praise and worship and prayer are ongoing. A place where anyone can drop in and be met with Christ’s love, His manifest Presence, prayer, healing and deliverance, food, clothing, furniture, the Center of the Network; the hub on the wheel of the all the ministries around our city. One -stop shopping.
I see a café providing food to those in need, an automotive center run by those who have not been able to find jobs but who can fix a car, a free daycare that teaches music lessons and worship dance to children who would otherwise not encounter Jesus, free/inexpensive housing. I see a network of people helping people. I see those who are homeless being provided a way to get involved in our community and help others as they themselves get reestablished.
I see people encountering the Jesus of the Bible – Who feeds and heals and teaches. I believe this vision is from God and He will bring it to pass as we obey His leading and do our part. I believe this is the beginning of the Spotless Bride of Christ – the church doing what the church was intended to do on this earth – the beginning of the end of the divisions. I believe that as we obey God and begin to do this, His Glory and Manifest Presence will begin to fill every area of this work, changing us from glory unto glory.
The first thing the Lord has told me to do is to connect with people and share this vision. I have started doing that. The Lord spoke to me yesterday and impressed me with, “You think you’re going to have to work hard putting all these things together but I am going to bring things to you and drop them in your lap.”
If you are interested in being a part of this – if you have received anything along this same thought from God – please let me know.
We’re going to get together and start praying. The first step as we get together is to seek Him with prayer and receive His clear direction, but no less importantly, we need to get to know each other and let God bind us together in His perfect love. The easiest weapon the enemy uses is division and offense and we want to know each others’ hearts so that we leave no openings for this.
I see a ‘JESUS CITY’ within our city of Big Rapids. A network of loving kindness – the churches and ministries of this area united in Christ’s love with an organized effort to help the lost, suffering and needy.
I see a ‘Worship Center’ – a large building where praise and worship and prayer are ongoing. A place where anyone can drop in and be met with Christ’s love, His manifest Presence, prayer, healing and deliverance, food, clothing, furniture, the Center of the Network; the hub on the wheel of the all the ministries around our city. One -stop shopping.
I see a café providing food to those in need, an automotive center run by those who have not been able to find jobs but who can fix a car, a free daycare that teaches music lessons and worship dance to children who would otherwise not encounter Jesus, free/inexpensive housing. I see a network of people helping people. I see those who are homeless being provided a way to get involved in our community and help others as they themselves get reestablished.
I see people encountering the Jesus of the Bible – Who feeds and heals and teaches. I believe this vision is from God and He will bring it to pass as we obey His leading and do our part. I believe this is the beginning of the Spotless Bride of Christ – the church doing what the church was intended to do on this earth – the beginning of the end of the divisions. I believe that as we obey God and begin to do this, His Glory and Manifest Presence will begin to fill every area of this work, changing us from glory unto glory.
The first thing the Lord has told me to do is to connect with people and share this vision. I have started doing that. The Lord spoke to me yesterday and impressed me with, “You think you’re going to have to work hard putting all these things together but I am going to bring things to you and drop them in your lap.”
If you are interested in being a part of this – if you have received anything along this same thought from God – please let me know.
We’re going to get together and start praying. The first step as we get together is to seek Him with prayer and receive His clear direction, but no less importantly, we need to get to know each other and let God bind us together in His perfect love. The easiest weapon the enemy uses is division and offense and we want to know each others’ hearts so that we leave no openings for this.
Love and blessings~
“Then the Lord answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets that the one who reads it may run, for the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:2,3